
Baptism is the means by which we become a Christian. It is the start of a journey that will eventually lead to eternal life.

At St George’s we are happy to baptize babies, infants and adults who live in our parish, have a strong connection, or who regularly worship with us. Please contact Father Robert, who will be able to guide and help you in setting a date and preparing you for this.  The preparation normally consists of an initial meeting and two short sessions afterwards

Baptism generally takes place at the 11am, not least as this means the whole Church community is able to support, pray, and welcome the newest member. If there are circumstances that require it, baptism at another time may be possible.

Baptism Frequently Asked Questions
We don’t come to Church – can we have our baby baptized?

We are always happy to baptize babies and small children. Of course the fact you want your child baptized probably means that you might be thinking about coming. For lots of people having children means a different approach to life and questions about faith often come to mind. We would love to share the treasure of faith with you

How many Godparents may I have?

The norm is three; by tradition, two of the same sex as the child and one of the opposite. However, these are not hard and fast rules. The basic requirement for Godparents is that they themselves have been baptized as they will need to make the promises on behalf of the child. Father Robert is again happy to help and guide you.

Can I hire the Parish Room afterwards?

You are very welcome, subject to availability. More detail can be obtained from hall bookings link.

I am an adult who would like to be baptized. What do I do?

We are very happy to talk to adults about baptism. The first Christians were all baptised as adults. As an adult you have far more understanding of the journey of faith you are beginning. It will be right that you come and worship with us for a little time and that you spend some time talking with one of the clergy about the reasons why you wish to be baptized. They will help you and guide you through this.

What is the difference between christening and baptism?

There is no difference! They are simply two different words that refer to the same thing.

How old do babies need to be to be baptized?

There is no age limit. We are happy to baptize babies as soon as you think them ready.

Is there a charge for being baptised?

Baptism is one of God’s gifts to us, so it is totally free.

What should I do next?

Please contact the Rector, Father Robert, who will guide and assist you with the way forward.