Fr Robert’s July letter
Parish Letter – July 2024.My dear friends,I met a delightful Roman Catholic priest in Lourdes in May who told me that he realised God was calling him to be a priest as a young man when he went to help a drunken man whose false teeth had fallen out – it is...
CHRISTMAS 2023 One of the difficulties I sometimes encounter in my work is dealing with people who have rather funny ideas in their heads about what God is like. They may, indeed, be quite clever in other areas of their lives, but when it comes to God, they are...
Fr Robert’s December letter
December 2023 Parish Letter My dear friends, I am typing this letter at the start of November, when the situation in both Gaza and in Ukraine is still unbearably heartbreaking. It is a reminder of just why Our Lord Jesus Christ had to be born of the Blessed Virgin...
June Parish Magazine Letter
My dear friends, June 2022 is a very special and unique month in the annals of our country’s long history, when we shall enjoy the great pleasure of celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Amongst The Queen’s titles is that of ‘Defender of...