by diviadmin | Jan 30, 2025 | to read Fr Robert's latest letter
My dear friends, Something caught my eye yesterday. I looked out of the window, saw falling snowflakes, and thought ‘Yippee! It’s snowing!’ A childhood delight in snow, I suspect, lies buried inside all of us; even if the sensible part of our brains acknowledges that...
by diviadmin | Dec 9, 2024 | to read Fr Robert's latest letter
My dear friends, I am typing these words a few days after Advent Sunday – the start of the Christian Church’s new liturgical year – ready for 1st January 2025 and the start of a new calendar year. Many people make New Year’s resolutions on 1st January each year: they...
by diviadmin | Dec 9, 2024 | to read Fr Robert's latest letter
My dear friends, Some of the best hymns are those written for the different seasons of the Church’s year. My favourite Advent hymn is ‘O come, O come, Emmanuel!’ which begins: O come, O come, Emmanuel! Redeem thy captive Israel, That into exile drear is gone Far from...
by diviadmin | Oct 30, 2024 | Blog, to read Fr Robert's latest letter
My dear friends, November has sometimes been called the ‘Month of the Dead’ because on 1st November the Church celebrates All Saints Day and on 2nd November All Souls Day. A week later we have Remembrance Sunday. I have always taken very seriously my ministry to the...
by diviadmin | Oct 30, 2024 | Blog, to read Fr Robert's latest letter
My dear friends, When I was a boy, if I was fussy or picky about my food, I would often hear my mother or grandmother say: “You’d eat that if there was a war on”, or sometimes “I don’t know how you’d have got on in the war.” Older readers of this parish letter will...
by diviadmin | Sep 19, 2024 | to read Fr Robert's latest letter
My dear friends, I write this September magazine letter at the beginning of August when the weather is hot and the roads are busy with holidaymakers enjoying the beautiful Sussex countryside and the south coast. However, it can be surprisingly cold first thing in the...