Music at St. George’s

The Choir

We are always ready to welcome anyone who is interested to try being a member with us. If you can read music that would be wonderful, but we can teach people by ear to sing parts.  The main thing is to have a real desire to sing and we can work with that!  We strongly value our ability to lead and inspire through four-part anthems; this is often without organ accompaniment, as our organist is also our leading bass.  We value the enjoyment singing together brings as well as friendly interaction between members.

If you are interested in joining why not come along on Thursday night before practice starts at 6:30pm.

The Organ

The organ is an example of a Dalladay instrument, built in Hastings for a large private home. It is interesting that the pedals have a device to make it sound like the pedals are being played when they are not, but the facility is so ineffective, it is never used by the current organist.

The registrations are:

Open Diapason                 8ft

Dulciana                            8ft

Principal                            4ft

Tremulant (ineffective)

Viol di Gamba                   8ft

  Leiblich Gedackt             8ft

Oboe                                 8ft

Flute                                  4ft

Bourdon                       16ft

Usual couplers and a ‘trigger’ swell pedal.